

5 Ways To Step Up Your Hot Cocoa

Written By: happycamper

National Hot Chocolate Day isn’t until January 31, but we’re officially calling it hot chocolate season. It’s cold and there’s nothing better than warming your hands and yourself up by drinking a cup of hot chocolate. But you deserve more than an ordinary cup of hot chocolate. Dress up your hot chocolate in different ways to make it the best hot chocolate you’ve ever had! It’s a great winter camp activity that goes well with making winter themed crafts like snowmen or snowflakes. Set up a hot chocolate bar at home with different ingredients and let your kids build the hot chocolate cup of their dreams.


Here are 5 ways to step up your hot cocoa this winter.


Add Whipped Cream, Sauces or Flavoring

Whipped cream is a must-have when it comes to hot chocolate. It’s essentially the topping base layer, so the rest of your toppings stay on the surface and don’t sink to the bottom.

Salted caramel sauce and chocolate sauce mix well with hot chocolate and can add a unique flavor. Line your glass with some sauce before pouring in the water and cocoa mix, or add it to the top of your beverage on top of the whipped cream. You can also purchase flavored syrups in the coffee aisle and use them instead of the thicker sauce. This opens your choices to even more options like: French vanilla, hazelnut, vanilla, coconut and more. 


Marshmallows Are A Musthot chocolate with marshmallow

It’s a given that a good cup of cocoa includes marshmallows, but you probably didn’t realize just how many choices you have when it comes to picking the perfect marshmallows for your hot chocolate. There are the mini marshmallows, regular sized ones and extra large ones. Sometimes you can get them in unique shapes. Then you have to consider the flavors — plain, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, candy cane, mint chocolate chip, and many more. Experiment by combining a couple different flavors.


Go For The Mint

Chocolate and mint are two flavors that go so good together — ever heard of a peppermint mocha? Make your hot chocolate as you normally would and add a little peppermint to it by adding a candy cane stick to your glass. You can use it to stir the chocolate mix into the water and to flavor it! Alternatively, add some whipped cream to the top of your hot chocolate, and top it with crushed candy canes. 

SprinklesHot chocolate with sprinkles

There’s nothing that says let’s have fun like sprinkles! Sprinkles are a festive addition to hot chocolate because they are so cheerful! They come in all shapes and colors too, so you can get them in your favorite holiday colors or winter colors. It’s best to top your hot chocolate with whipped cream first, and then add sprinkles so they stay visible. 


Add Extras

A good cup of hot chocolate isn’t complete without a cookie. Top your cocoa with a cookie, some cinnamon or even some shredded chocolate. Got a chocolate candy you love? Toss a couple small pieces into the hot liquid and let them melt, then stir. It’ll take your hot chocolate to another level!


How do you like to mix up your hot chocolate? Do you have a go-to recipe that makes your hot chocolate the best? Share your hot cocoa recipe with us on the Campfire.




Tagged:- campfire cooking, cooking, hot chocolate, winter



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